We understand your need to raise healthy pigs that give consumers the nutritional benefits they are looking for.

From sow productivity to meat quality, our innovative products utilize ingredients that have been carefully selected for the most beneficial effects on pigs feed intake, digestive function, optimal growth, and good maintenance of healthy pig performance.

Our nutritional solutions help pig producers overcome challenges to support pig health and producer profitability.

  • DL Methionine
  • Toxin binders
  • Digestives Enzymes
  • Antibiotics free growth promoters
  • Mould inhibitors
  • Acidifiers – Blend of organic acids
  • Organic minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Feed attractants
  • L-Lysine HCl
  • Gut conditioners
  • Water hygiene
  • Digestives Enzymes

  • High Protein Concentrates
  • Special Mycotoxin management and stress control.
  • Full range of water soluble nutritional supplements
  • Viable and cost-effective approaches to the control of infectious agents.
  • Science based strategies to reduce feed costs and maximize profitability while maintaining animal performance
  • Intestinal health solution to lower medication and improve performance.
  • Enabling growth of beneficial bacteria for a healthy/balanced gut microflora

Whatever your concern may be, we have innovative products and science-based solutions that would deliver the commercial results you’re looking for

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